We empower people with learning differences
by improving language capacity.
We use evidence-based structured language to boost confidence,
self-esteem and improve social engagement.
"My child doesn't know their alphabet yet. They can't read basic words."
Sound-symbol correspondence is important. We make it fun for clients to learn how to recognise, say and blend sounds.

"I struggle to write on the lines and my handwriting is messy."
We work with pencil grip, letter formation and handwriting styles to improve fine motor skills.
"My child can read well but they are struggling with their spelling."
We identify gaps and use scaffolded, structured methods to help improve spelling.

"My child stutters saying words. They can't say sounds
like 'th, 'l', 'sp'."
We teach sounds and letter correspondence. A flow-on effect is improved speech.
"I take too long to get to the point and my writing is muddled."
We help with sentence development and give you tools to cut out the fluff.

"I have great ideas in my head, but can't write them down!"
We help you understand the underlying cause and provide strategies.
"My child knew a word yesterday, but not today!"
Repetition is key for memory retention. Ongoing sessions develop better outcomes.

"I hear other people say
'They're fine, they will catch up'."
We can carry out learning gaps assessments.
We can also screen for dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia.